Rinova Ltd develops, manages and implements a range of work programmes connected with social, economic and cultural development which support young people and a range of groups in the labour market, including vulnerable adults.
Traditionally, our work with young people concerns the age group 16-25 and increasingly with children and young people aged 14 and 15 years.
The majority of our work is undertaken in partnership with organisations that are specialised in supporting young people, children and vulnerable adults directly. This includes schools, colleges, youth-oriented voluntary and community organisations and the providers of initial vocational education and training.
However, in some cases staff at Rinova are also involved in the direct delivery of service provision themselves to these groups and in our capacity as partnership coordinators and project managers we frequently handle their data and personal records.
Therefore, in that context, when we are doing so we aim to provide a secure, safe and comfortable environment in which they can benefit fully from our programmes and maximise their potential.
We are committed to providing systems for the recognition and referral of child protection and safeguarding issues. To this end:
- All staff working at Rinova will be subject, on appointment, to the UK vetting service from the UK Government Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/disclosure-and- barring-service This procedure will be completed prior to any direct contact with children or young people arising at work at Rinova.
- Rinova Ltd has a comprehensive Equal Opportunities, Inclusion and Diversity Policy in terms of the company’s statements and requirements for gender equality, race equality and non-discrimination on the grounds of sexuality, sexual orientation, disability or ability or faith considerations. This company Statement of Safeguarding and Protection should be considered in close conjunction with that Policy and its provisions.
- All staff are required, as part of their wider contractual duties in terms of safety, to strictly observe the company’s Health and Safety and Policy.
- Other relevant company policies shall be referenced in relation to the overall company approach to For instance, the company’s Security Policies (Baseline Personnel Security Standard, User Access Control Policy, the Data Protection Policy and Incident Reporting Policy) all refer in this context.
- In circumstances where more specialist knowledge is required to perform relevant duties, the staff concerned working with children and vulnerable adults will receive specific Child Protection Training.
- Contravention or failure to actively observe the requirements of the Safeguarding and Protection statement, together with conduct which is deemed contrary to good safeguarding and protection behaviour will be viewed as a serious matter and is subject to the disciplinary procedure set out in the staff terms and conditions of employment.
The Operations Manager at Rinova, as part of their responsibilities for staff induction and personnel policies, will ensure that all staff DBS requirements are up to date.
This statement and the accompanying child protection policy will be overseen and monitored by the company Chief Executive Officer.
Revisions to the policy shall be considered as part of the company’s policy review cycle as appropriate and any changes authorized by the Director on behalf of the Board of Rinova.